Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I’ve packed a lot into the past week. Baking cookies with Korean friends who had never made cookies before (GASP!), having a co-worker over for gin and tonics to vent about…you guessed it, work. And then came spa day with Joy on Saturday for her birthday, which included massages from the foot shop and a day at the jimjilbang in the mountains bathing, scrubbing, and generally detoxifying and getting good ole fashion girl time.

The other night, Ali and I tried the P90X ab workout. Apparently, my abs are not the rock hard bricks of steel I thought they were. (I didn’t think they were.) I nearly died. What is this whole P90X thing anyway. I’m way not caught up on the latest and greatest workouts because everyone seems to know about this but me. I thought I was doing pretty good with my regular sit-up regime, and they made me feel like my tummy was made of cotton candy. Jerks.

We have graduation this Saturday. Whooopeee! My kids are performing Gingerbread Man and Cinderella. Both written and directed by yours truly. And by directed, I mean “shouted at and put in the thinking corner those who were not getting into the spirit of acting.” I think it was pretty effective.

1 comment:

DebinNZ said...

break a leg with the plays! I'm sure they're going to be hilarious! See ya soon!