Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kevin is 12 Years Old

Ok, so I think it's accurate to say that I'm experiencing a little bit of the "mid-winter" blues. It's cold, it's dreary, and there is a significant lack of color to be seen outside. I'm trying to cope, but life just feels a bit glum these days.

So I'm doing what I can. Yesterday, on my way home from the gym, I stopped at the flower shop around the corner from my building and bought myself flowers. I got 2 white daisies, a big bright orange flower, and a hot pink flower. They seemed like the cheeriest flowers in the shop. I did have a few problems with the shop owner, who could simply NOT comprehend that a person could by flowers for themself. He continued to shove the gift card in my face, and I continued to refuse, and when I said a polite "no thank you" to all the ribbon, he persistently said over and over "plesent! plesent!" and i persistently replied "no present! no present! me home! me home!" He finally gave me the flowers, shaking his head.

I found out today that my all time favorite childhood show "The Wonder Years" is called, here in Korea, "Kevin is 12 Years Old." I had a good laugh at that one. Especially since the show ran for several years, so Kevin, undoubtedly, could not have been 12 years old that entire time. I also found out that the Korean equivalent for the show "Ugly Betty" is called "Ugly Woody." He he.


DebinNZ said...

that's hilarious about the wonder years...haha. you just have to make it about 34 more days and then i can cheer you up, ok?

Amanda said...

hehe, translations... always interesting.

spring is coming soon! hang in there! in the meantime, buy yourself more flowers. or nudge that bf of yours. where's he when you need him to buy you flowers????

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
There have been times of hardship when I felt unhappy missing knowledge about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright pessimistic person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in big initial investment.
Now, I feel good, I begin to get real income.
It gets down to select a correct companion who utilizes your money in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, and shares the income with me.

You may ask, if there are such firms? I have to answer the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them:
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