Wednesday, June 17, 2009

a life again.

i've just gotten home from a long day. ah, it feels so good to say that. i actually have long days again that i can feel proud of. :)

i bumped into an opportunity to do 4 hours of private lessons until the end of july. they are two 11 year old boys, and ali and i are sharing every other day. they mostly like to talk about farting and see how many english swear words they can throw in before i give them the evil eye, and it's really a hoot. the money is also a hoot seeing as i'm living on it for the next month until i actually get my first full paycheck. :)

i'm feeling happy to be living a life again...working every day doing a job i care about, going home every friday at 5 with that "WHOOPIDY DOOPITY DOOOO!!!!!" feeling like everybody else i'm squeezed between on my bus, dreading every sunday night because it means i have to go back to work the next morning...ah, life is meant to be that way...


asybesma said...

Welcome to the real world, right? Not that I would know :).

Margaret said...

I have to agree... there is nothing better in my book than feeling like you really did a job that is work, and when friday rolls around you can actually say.. "Man, I'm glad it's Friday!!!".. --although I don't get those much..seeing as how people need to eat every day.. :) But I do love that feeling.

Carolyn said...

oh andrew, you'll know soon enough!!!

and margaret OH the life of a chef! but we NEEEED you people to get through the weekend!

Amanda said...

sounds lovely...

Dena said...

Since I think you'd prefer that I be honest, I have to admit that I shuddered a little at "ah, life is meant to be that way." More because of the Sunday feeling than the Friday one. But, I hope the Friday feelings drown out the Sunday ones, or that your new music class is just so great that Sunday is like a whole new Friday!