Saturday, November 17, 2007

i found this site that rates your blog from one of larry's posts. here is what i got:

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larry got a genuis reading level. some of his other readers got high school or college. and i get junior high. maybe it's b/c of all of my mispellings. i just can't stop chuckling every time i think about it. i wonder if there's anything lower than junior high or if i got the bottom of the barrel. like is there a 3rd-6th grade level? or a kindergarten reading level? toddler? infant? i hated junior high. i'll never forget the day i had to come in early to scrap gum from the bottom of desks b/c i had been caught chewing during class. (chewing gum of course.) and i found the notebook that my two best friends wrote notes to each other in throughout the day which turned out to be a "why carolyn is a loser" notebook. (their main reason was b/c i got more playing time on our sioux center christian 8th grade volleyball team than they did. totally legitimate.) i wonder what their rating system is based on.

i'm going to work on upping my rating to high school level.


Anonymous said...

i checked my (now defunct) blog, and i got genius. but then i thought that it was probably just a sham, so i went back and did it again, and i got elementary school. then i realized that i spelled "" wrong the second time, so i tried it again, and i got genius. what can i say? they internet has spoken.

Anonymous said...

ok, after looking at that site a bit further, i'm pretty sure it's fake. i entered several peoples' blogs, and it went like this:

junior high
high school
college (undergrad)
college (postgrad)


mike kramer said...

i got elementary on mine

Carolyn said...

hmmmm, this is very curious indeed. it does make me feel better that you got elementary mike (sorry.) i'm on board with the "it's-a-scam" idea. kristin, it's just too suspicious that it went in order like that. (and it makes me feel better.)

Community of the Holy Trinity said...

My suspicions are being confirmed.
Of course Carolyn, one could interpret the rating as meaning that you have a blog that is accessible to most readers, where as I on the other hand am probably with a "genius reading level rating" incomprehensible. ;-)
But, it's a silly internet thing, hardly reliable, and I wouldn't say so much is a scam but like so many internet quizzes and tests just not very scientific and not to be taken seriously. but just a bit of fun an siliness

Carolyn said...

larry, i do make an effort to my blog pretty light most of the time (i have grandparents and aunts and uncles all over the country reading it...) i'm not offended--"takes all kinds ya know..." (that was from some movie i watched with grant with amelia estafez (spelling???) but i cant remember what it's called. but he'd say that line a lot and i like it. :)