Everybody lined up for back rubs before the race started. Nobody wanted to give the white girl a back rub, so I stood amongst them all feeling awkward and getting stared at.
Just a blonde girls and a whole bunch of Koreans...
Wohooo!!! This old guy finally included me in the back rubbing session.
Off we go!
And 2 hours later, I came in for my final lap!
Crossing the finish line at 2 hours and 55 seconds!
I even got a medal! Right after this picture, I got stung by a bee on my thumb. My first ever bee sting. I definitely had a harder time dealing with that than the 21 kilometers I had just run. Bee stings HURT.
Favorite part of the race: a few miles in, some old Korean dude wanted to be my running buddy. At least that's what I gathered because he came up running next to me and I translated the words "together" and "same" in his conversation with me. We ran together for most of the race. After all these years of running solo, who knew it would take an old Korean guy to make me realize a running buddy isn't so bad after all.
See the entire album by clicking here.
Congratulations! The pictures are hilarious! You stick out BIG time! :) Are you thinking about a whole marathon anytime soon?
Thanks, Margaret!!! I'd like to do a full marathon at some point. But to be honest, both times I did the half, all I could think when I finished was..."There is no way in HELL that I could do that all over again right now." So maybe I'll just stick with the half for awhile. :) You ever think about doing one?
First of all, congratulations. Second of all, there were many great things about that post, but the best may have been the running buddy part. Amazing where revelations come from :)
Ha ha, I know! He was such a champ!
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