I think it's a cyst. I've had it for over a year. It suddenly grew on my face below my left ear, but for most of the time that it's inhabited on my face, it's just been this painless lump that refuses to leave. No biggy. Then last week it lashed out and became this huge, bright red, painful thing sticking out of my face. It was like a whole other body part had suddenly been attached under my ear. Anyway, I went to the doctor yesterday, had a VERY EXPENSIVE 2 minute ultra sound to make sure it wasn't connected to my saliva glands (it wasn't), and then had a needle prodded into it and a bunch of disgusting puss pulled out. (Insert vomit face here.) Surgery may be inevitable, but the doc is trying to calm the beast w

ith syringes and pills first to see if we can avoid a scar. The lump will not get the best of me or my face!
Geez, lady. I'm sorry that you have that big ol' bump on your face. It looks painful!
You're good about keeping your blog up to date. You inspired me to write a new entry. If for nothing else, then just as a diary to remember these crazy times in Korea.
I'm glad that we've become such good friends. And even when I leave Korea, I'll be sure to cyber-stalk you. I am "following" you now. :)
Love you, Amanda
balls. that is some cyst.
but it still can't rival the Grant boil!
oh my. Good luck my friend!
nasty. nasty. nasty. (and kinda cool...no, just nasty...)
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