I've been battling through 'open class' all week, which is the Korean name for 'parents get to sit in on their kid's classes and tell the school what they're unsatisfied with.' In my mind, I like to call these days...'Carolyn gets to analyze parenting skills and figure out the reason behind the terrible-ness in my least favorite kids.' Seriously, when the worst kid in the school's mom is video-taping her kid scream in other kids faces and try to swallow his egg shaker and then goes ahead smiling and calls him 'special,' you stop blaming the kid.
In more uplifting news, Ali

and I celebrated 2 years of together-ness last week. Two years ago on June 15th, Ali landed at the Seoul airport and, after not seeing each other since our one day romance in Beijing 4 months earlier, we officially fell in love. (Insert 'awwwww' from the audience...) I have to say, it feels like a lot longer than 2 years. I guess that's what happens when you've lived in 3 different countries. But it's been the best 2 years of my life! This picture was taken one of the first days Ali and I were together in Korea 2 years ago. Don't we look like 2 people who had just fallen in love? (Insert another 'awwwwwww'...)

And finally, 2 of our best friends here in Korea--Jason and Natalie--are leaving for home this Friday. It feels like it's been a non-stop 'good-bye' party for weeks (so tired!), but we will definitely miss them after they've gone. This is the problem with living in such a transitional place--nobody stays!
Boo open class. Hooray you and Ali. Boo goodbye parties (but at least it means there were good people around).
So true, Dena!
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