First, we got an actual, real, just-like-home cupcake. YUM! I haven't had a cupcake since...(when you can't complete that sentence you know it's been too long). It was an adorable little place called Life is Just a Cup of Cake. In fact, it may have been the most dainty, delightful little shop of sugary goodness that I've ever stepped foot in.


Then, we saw the coolest little dog in the world. In case you didn't know, I plan to own a pug someday because I think they're the funniest, cutest dogs on earth. This little guy was no exception.

Then, we got a manicure and got our hair done!

Then, we got wine and talked about how pretty our nails and hair looked.

Then, we ate over-priced Greek food! (But we didn't notice because the company was good and the wine was a-flowin')!

Then, we went to a pub and watched Korea play Uruguay in the World Cup (which they lost, but our mood was too great to be dampered). Go Red Devils! Mary Soo rocked the red horns.
I wish every day was a birthday.