last night, i got together with some girls for a christmas cookie extravaganza. you know how exciting it is to make christmas cookies. the anticipation, putting the food coloring in the frosting, listening to christmas music, so much christmas cheer. by the 9th batch, the christmas cd has long stopped playing, and your good spirits have been gone since batch #4. you feel sick from eating too much cookie dough made of 10 pounds of butter and licking the knife of the frosting too many times, you're covered in powdered sugar b/c you put the blender on too high, there's dirty dishes everywhere, and all you can think is..."seriously? there's

more? i never want to frost another cookie again in my life." and usually you don't until the next christmas, when you forget the bitter ending from the year before and get just excited as you always do and think it's going to be the greatest event of the christmas season. so that's basically what happened.
the top picture is laura, stephanie, and debbie making the dough in debbie's little kitchen. the next picture down is laura and i...uh...eating.

"um...have you ever heard of a wise man christmas cookie shape? it looks like a pointy headed backpacker."

the finished product. it almost makes it look worth it.
those are the wisemen?
matt-some are wisemen, some are trees, some are bells. the trees and bells i understand, but wisemen? it's just wierd. are there not easier shapes they could have thought of?
the third picture down is hilarious. What are you doing with your mouth. It's especially funny when I click on it and it gets huge on my computer screen.
I'm happy to see that the Christmas cookie making tradition hasn't died...we had some good times making cookies...though I think I missed the most memorable cookie making extravaganza!
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