the latest drama at tango pango: who will doyoon chose? subin or hee won? here's the scoop. we've been noticing that doyoon (english name donald, which i'll use from here on out) has his little 4 year old heart set on subin (english name rachel, which i'll use from here on out). she has long flowing hair, short choppy bangs, and wears big purple dresses with lots of fur. what's not to love? so the two have been spotted getting cozy during lullaby time in my music class--snuggling their faces together, donald pushing rachel's hair out of her eyes--and always leave the school walking hand in hand. last week thursday, donald came to school with a love letter, complete with a very "is this contemporary art or is this the work of a 5 year old?" picture on front, and some very messy korean scribbles on the inside that said something like "i think you a very pretty. love, doyoon." cute right? a letter for the love of his life in the purple fury dress, rachel. WRONG! the love letter was in fact made out to hee won (english name, monica, which i'll use from here on out). donald then proceeded to shower all his love and affection and hand holding and hair stroking on the much surprised monica, to the utter dismay of the much heart-broken rachel. but alas! rachel would not be forgotten so easily. the next day, she came wearing her finest and furriest dress and won back the coveted spot next to donald during the lullaby in music class, leaving poor monica confused, betrayed, and alone. in a last attempt to fight for her brief love affair with donald, monica stood up just as i was ending our lullaby, "By 'n' By," and made a brave dive between the happy couple, positioning herself face to face with a very-much-enjoying-himself donald. but her seeming victory was brief, as rachel quickly shoved her out of the way, grabbed donald's hand, and turned his attention back to her bright purple fury dress and short choppy bangs. in a grand gesture of defeat, monica cuddled on donald's back side, wrapped her arms around his waist, and burried her head into his shoulder blades. i don't even think he noticed. rachel and donald have been spotted leaving tango pango hand in hand ever since. HOWEVER, today, much to rachel's dissapointment and frustration, donald was caught snuggling up to min gyu (english name, charlie--the naughty one who's picture i've put on here that has the mischevious look in his eyes but is, ofcourse, one of my favorites)!!! i think donald is one confused little boy. the kicker? out of the little korean boys at our school, donald is NOT the cutest. and that's putting it lightly. in fact, i'd dare say he looks sort of like a weeble wobble with his giant head that's too large for his body and his now permed hair making it look even larger. (why or why do parents perm their little boys' hair here???) what do the girls (and boys) see in him?

here's some pics from my saturday night out with the girls. amelia (my yoga instructor), is on my left, and debbie (the only other person as unflexible and ungraceful as me in my yoga class) is on my right.

turns out my friend josh was playing a show across the street. how convenient. it was cool. he did well.

it also turns out that i rock at pool. who knew. well, let's be honest, i rocked at first. it was one of those blissful moment where i getting every ball in and everyone was like "what do you mean you never play pool!" and i thought "my hidden talent my hidden talent my hidden talent! it's finally here!" and then i got too excited and starting doing things like missing the ball with my stick and i realized that very rarely can you be amazing at something you never do. i have that with bowling sometimes where i think i'm amazing for the first 10 minutes. but i'm not.
Carolyn - You are really funny. That story about 4 year old true love was great.
I too thought that I was really good at pool one time when I went to a bar with my friend Rob. We were playing and I was doing really well. Getting all the balls into holes, even though I was totally aiming for a different hole, sometimes even an entirely different ball. Then we started playing with some other people at the bar and they kept saying that my shots were "shit shots" which means that they don't count. Apparently, you have to pick out the specific ball that you are going to try to put into a specific hole and then do exactly what you had intended to do for it to count. Whatever. Pool's a dumb game with way too many rules. I'll just stick with Rook.
Hmm- so sorry that you didn't find your hidden talent yet. But look on the bright side, it's still out there! And would you really want it to be pool? I'm holding out for break dancing myself. I haven't tried it, but I'm waiting for the right moment because I'm almost positive that will, in fact, be my hidden talent.
Also- how much do I love that outfit?!? A lot, Carolyn. A lot.
Mmmmm... Christmas cookie icing. Kind of makes me want to vomit...
(I'm a little behind on the blog posts. Maybe I'll comment about Donald on your next post).
jen--ya, i'd have to say my shots would probably be under the "shit" category as well. but nobody i was with realized they weren't completely intentional.
tric--oooo, break dancing. do you need a partner for that? i'm in. i'm glad you liked my outfit. :) i did, too.
dena--uh, ya, everytime i think of frosting, i think if i even need to say it...the infamous christmas decorating party of '04. ew...
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