Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Retro Rooftop Olympics = Success

I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow it's the end of October. I don't even remember this month starting. It's been a whirlwind.

Last Saturday we had the Adventure Teaching Korea event--the Retro Rooftop Olympics--which Ali and I put on. It was superly duperly fun--water balloon toss, tug-of-war, giant jumprope, dizzy broom, drinks, BBQ, live music--all happening on a rooftop in Seoul. I'm also superly duperly glad it's over. Who knew one little event could be so much work. I got home at about 2:30am Sunday morning, after getting up at 7am, setting up in a frantic frenzy all morning, meeting, greeting, hosting, socializing, networking, and mega-phoning game rules all afternoon and evening, and cleaning up till 12:30. But it was all well worth it, and it looks as if this was the beginning of the annual Adventure Teaching Korea Retro Rooftop Olympics.

So after checking that one off the list, I just have this week to get through--parent's day Wednesday and Thursday (i.e. practice for two weeks so that your classes are perfect and in no way how they are on a normal day, and put on a performance all day with a huge smile, way too much enthusiasm, and high heels--again, something I would never do on a normal day. But Korean moms love high heels) and then Holloween party all day Friday.

Which leads me to my next concern...what to be for holloween this year? I feel too burnt out to be original. I'm really leaning toward wearing all black, throwing some ears on my black headband, and drawing whiskers on my face in eyeliner. Ah the classic cat. It just never dissapoints. But I feel pressure to do more. The last teacher went as Kimbap. (Korean version of sushi.) Her custom made costume is still in the corner of the teacher's room and it's twice the size of me. How do I live up to kimbap?


Amanda said...

cat's are cool.

Jen said...

Can't you just re-do a costume from years past? That's the beauty of moving around from place to place - no one knows you're just re-peating an old costume.

Carolyn said...

yes, i thought about doing facebook again, but the thought of carrying a big board around my head was too exhausting...