Monday, April 7, 2008

the color purple.

i got new shoes!!! they are the coolest things ever. for years, i thought i didn't like the color purple, until recently i realized my dislike was completely ungrounded, and it's opened up a whole new world for me!!!! every time i look at them i nearly burst with excitment!!! baaaaa, aren't they just fantastic! my feet are thrilled.

this weekend, i dog sat for matt and mary's dog wicket. we laughed, we cried, we ran 5 miles, he nearly passed out, we walked 6 miles after that, we both nearly passed out, he peed all over my floors, hogged the pillow on my bed, scratched up my couch, tore apart my bright green loofah in my shower (who am i kidding, he basically tore apart everything in my apartment.) but just look at him. he's so ca-uuuute!!!! he may have been a little selfish in bed (as in he took up a lot of room. get your minds out of the gutter...)
but our love-hate relationship grew ever stronger, and it was really nice to have a running partner so i could be like "come on wicket, just a couple more're doing great! keep it up! you feelin' tired? push through, pain is gain my friend!" and he would respond with a very inspiring "pant pant. eye blink. tounge out." incredibly motivating. and what was even nicer is that i got SOOOO much attention on the lake path! apparently, koreans consider having one of their dogs as being initiated into the "lavish-with-attention" category.


Melanie said...

"start wearing purple, wearing purple" now I have that annoying song in my head, but it just popped in as soon as I saw those shoes! I LOVE THEM! I need to own them. Amazing.
I can't decide if the music on my blog is annoying, but there is a player at the very bottom, and heres the link on how to get one...
When you make one you just copy and paste the info code into the html box in your layout options on blogger.
Enjoy those amazing shoes!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of purple. I thought of painting my bedroom purple for a while, but I don't think that I'm that big of a fan.

I've tried running with Chance a couple of times. It didn't go so well. He's not a big fan of running for no reason. Put a squirrel or a duck in front of him and he's off faster than I've ever moved in my entire life. But make him trot down the path after me for no good reasons - it's difficult. I end up pulling him along behind me, panting "Come on Chance - you can do it. Just 'til the end of the block". I just don't have enough enthusiasm inside of me about running to expend so much of it on my dog. Now we just meander. It's much nicer.

lisa said...

Carolyn, I was filled with happiness over your new shoes and your excitement for them! yay for little things that spruce up life!Craig was here last weekend and he pointed out that I had worn purple three consecutive days in a row: shirt, then capri pants, then a dress! eeek... perhaps that was too much? but they were all different shades.
Wicket is adorable. I love you!

Justin said...

congrats on the good run with your canine friend in tow. as for purple shoes, good for you, but purple's not really my color. that's ok tho b/c i doubt i couldn't find a pair in korea that would be big enough for me anyway.

by the way, vander stelt is going to be going to seoul. he's going to be here in busan for about another week tho.

Carolyn said...

mel--thanks for the heads up. i don't think your music was annyoing. it was like a fantastic shocking surprise. like! where is it coming from? the sky? the neighbors? my sandwhich? oh, it's mel's blog!

jen--i will not forget my episode of running with chance last summer. i couldn't tell if i was running him or if he was running me.

lisa--i'm all about the purple! wear it every day! you can get creative and hide it. like wear it on your underwear or an under shirt so as not to start an uprising.

justin--what is vanderstelt doing here anyway? i'd like to see him.

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Kathlyn D said...

carolyn. you are truly an inspiration. I just bought a purple dress.

miss you.

Carolyn said...

katy, you bought a purple dress!?!??! i am so curious. would they match my purple shoes? do we need to meet somewhere between korea and canada (i think that'd land us in the middle of the pacific. maybe we could find a cool island like on lost) to find out?

miss you too.

Anonymous said...

The shoes are nice. I can see you wearing them... Purple shoes, red glasses, some type of leopard print top and perhaps spandex? And that dog is awesome.... what kind is he/she/it?

Carolyn said...

oh dear, let's stop with the purple shoes and red glasses.

leopard print!?!??!


even my fashion has it's limits.

wicket is an apricott poodle. (blogger is telling me i spelled apricott wrong. i've tried every combination of double "p"s and double "t"s, and yet the red squiggly "you spelled this wrong" line stays. sigh.)

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