I thought it was high time I show you where I spend 8 1/2 hours of my life each day. This is my desk, where I work diligently at my computer to write the Hollywood Kids Books.

I work hard. (Yes, that is facebook on my computer.
But don't be fooled, I still work hard.)

This is Yeon-Ju from the design team, who takes everything I write for
Hollywood Kids and turns it into something magical!

Together, we make these!!!

This is co-worker Brian!

This is co-worker Jenny!

This is co-worker Mark!

This is the room I sit in -- That's the design team busy...designing things.

It's a place of beauty really. And by beauty I mostly mean stress. :)
But I'll miss it anyway.
"...Uhm, yeah... I'm gonna need you to..."
Ha ha, that's brilliant! At first I was like...what? And then the light bulb flicked on. Best Movie Ever!
How do I get a copy of one of those?
Well, Dena, I think I just may know someone who could get one for you. :) You know, in case you ever just need to act out Rapunzel with your fellow students at Regent next year or something. It would make for a good study break.
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