It's happened. My dreams have come true! I bought a DSLR! Well, Ali and I bought a DSLR together, so I guess I bought half of one. I've wanted one of these for so, so long. When I was in college I bought an SLR (film,

not digital) before I moved to Alaska for the summer, and unfortunately, just after I bought it, film went "out of style" so to speak, making my poor camera "so last year." We had some good times, it took some amazing pictures, but who uses film anymore? What fun is taking a picture when you can't get immediate gratification? (BTW, if anyone does want a film SLR, it's on the market! It's a Nikon, and it's still very nice if you're into the whole film thing.)
Anyway, I've wanted a nice DSLR ever since my Nikon went out of style, and I've finally taken the plunge and purchased...half of one. It's beautiful and I love it already. It's a Canon 550D -- which in America

is called a Canon Rebel T2i. And to confuse matters even more, we bought the Japanese model because it was cheaper, which is called Kiss X4. But they're all the same.
I felt like a different person yesterday as I walked around Seoul with this beautiful camera hanging from my neck. I suddenly felt as though people were looking at me like..."Wow, that girl is serious about pictures." It's the best feeling! I've realized that taking pictures and making photo books is a hobby. When I was little I used to spend hours pouring over my creative memories books, cutting, gluing, sticking, designing. I've recently read a book called The Happiness Project that said the things you enjoyed doing when you're ten are most likely things you would en

joy doing now. I'm pretty sure that's not true for everything (i.e. Making rollerblading routines to Whitney Houston songs), but as for photo-related activities, I'm still a fan. Last fall Sarah Jane told me about a website called where you can download a program and make your own photo books. It's
amazing. I made a book of our Bali Trip for Ali's birthday last December, the book cover is the picture on the left (you can preview the book
here) and am currently making our Tokyo book. It's so much fun! And now that I have the goods to back up my hobby, there is no stopping me!
Be prepared for way too many postings of photos in the next while...
Why do you not think that making up rollerblading routines to Whitney Houston songs would not be fun? 'Cause I think it would be a blast!!
Jen, After I wrote that I was like...actually, I think I would still love rockin' out the blades to Queen of the Night! And this time, I wouldn't have to warn my parents of the swear word in the song before I performed...
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