it's election day it's election day it's election day!!!! i can proudly say i voted for obama a few weeks ago when i was in the states. i am EXCITED!!!! i just hope i can catch the action on tv here. it's absolutely hillarious to watch the news in england. at home, even if you may be able to catch hints of bias from the station or news reporters, they have to remain relatively equal and balanced in their report and their coverage. but in england, there is no hiding the bias! any news channel i watch spends large chunks of their newscasts these days covering glorious barack obama glide through his campaign with a big shining light cast around his head, and they are not shy in stating that obama as president is basically america's only hope to not go down the tubes...and to not be forever hated by every other country in the world. and then after about 20 minutes of this radiating coverage, they'll show a 5 second fuzzy gray clip of john mccain saying "joe the plumber? are you in the crowd? joe the plumber where are you?" the transition goes something like this:
"barack obama climbs more points in the polls today, as america looks toward a brighter future under his leadership. look at him. he's glowing! look at that smile! it's radiant! he's oozing greatness and we like him over here! we like him!!! oh, and there's john mccain, confused and looking stupid because he can't find his plumber in the crowd."
it's something like that. anyway, go vote everyone!!!!
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