today, i met elly in hongdae for a little shopping and hanging out at her friends' cafe, which is where we are on the left. the cafe had a volkswagon bus inside of it. SO COOL! and also some of the best carrot juice and apples muffins i've ever had. yum.

my entire weekend, actually, was just really fantastic. saturday i had accupuncture at a new place, and i REALLY like my korean medicine man. he has very kind eyes and and a gentle smile. unfortunately, he doesn't speak an ounce of english so i spent a solid 20 minutes watching my friend amelia and him have an intense discussion about me and my health and how i can help my stomach and they talked very fast (korean always sounds very fast to me) and looked at me a lot and it all sounded very detailed and extensive. i sat there quietly looking from one to the other, nodding like i knew what was going on, and finally, amelia turned to me and i said, "ok, what did he say?" she said, in these exact words: "he wants to know if you ok with drink a korean medicine that taste very bad." i looked at her. i looked at him. i looked back at her and said..."really, that's all he said?" "yes," she said with confidence "it taste very bad, but it will help you." it's times like these where i've learned to just smile, take a deep breath and say..."ok. sounds good."
saturday night we had a girls night that consisted of an exciting trip to costco and amelia, debbie, mina, and i squishing on my little couch for dinner and a movie. sometimes i think that's my favorite way to spend a saturday night.
I LOVE TEACHING KIDS YOGA!!!! i had the time of my life. they were so IN to it! it was the cutest and most beautiful thing i've seen in awhile. i even taught them how to meditate at the end! it was just so rewarding and i'm so pumped i get to do this every
week. hooray! i've found yet another calling! :)
1 comment:
are you still feeling sick? Did the medicine taste bad? Did it help? did you ask what was in it? So many questions!:) Sounds like you are having a ball!:)
I am pleased to report that i have been able to work dairy products back into my life. Yogurt really helped with that.
Carrot juice and the muffin look awsome!
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