so last night i was at my private lesson teaching my two high school kids, and the topic of horoscopes came up. they were unclear of the meaning of the word, so i attempted to explain. i said something like this: "horoscopes often predict the future and sometimes you see them in magazines saying things like 'you will have great success at your job next month' or 'you will have lots of luck with the number 34 tomorrow' or 'you will have horrible sex...'"
did i just say the word sex?
yes. i did.
i just said "horrible sex" in front of a 16 year old boy and a 14 year old girl.
ok, so i didn't mean to! i think i was trying to say success, and i just said it to fast and it came out as "sex." but maybe i was thinking that a lot of horoscopes do predict your love life and so i was thinking about sex and it just came out? i don't know! but it was not on purpose! the result of my slip was about 10 minutes of uncontrolable laughter from all ends and stifled laughter for the remaining 45 minutes of our class.
this may sound like no big deal, but let me tell you, it WAS! you do not say "sex" in front of a 16 year old boy who was probably already thinking about sex to begin with and to a 14 year old girl who is sitting in the same room as her older brother. it was SO awkward. and thomas, the boy, could NOT stop laughing for the rest of the hour. the worst part was that the topic of our article for that day was "what is success?" so i probably had to say the word success about 27 more times, and every time i said it, thomas put his head down and started laughing and mi-ho (the girl) looked like she was about to cry.
our relationship will never be the same.
on the POSITIVE side... this is a great "most embarrassing moment" story for those [stupid] times when people want you to tell a "most embarrassing moment" story but YOU don't want to share anything too painful or personal! this is a GREAT one - it'll make everyone laugh, they'll think you're a little bit naughty (always useful!), and in like 20 years the memory won't sting at all any more!!!
kidding. ;-) it'll stop stinging much sooner. right??
Oh, Carolyn. I don't think you need any more "most embarrassing moment" stories. :)
baaaa, tell me about it! my "most embarrasing moments" list is getting longer with each passing day. ha!
and thanks for the "encouragement" kate! :) ya, it totally doesn't sting it's just so funny. i really cannot describe the look on that boy's face the rest of the class. i am no longer his english teacher. i am now the american blonde who said "horrible sex" to him and his sister. sigh.
It all makes sense now, as I really was wondering how "horrible sex" came into a music lesson.
Happy Birthday again!!!
i hope "horrible sex" never comes into another lesson again! thanks for the birthday congrats dena!
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