Among the many things I will miss about Korea, Kimchi is not one of them! I never quite warmed up to this spicy pickled cabbage that Koreans eat with
every meal. And I mean
every. single. meal. I wish I liked it because it's been labeled one of the top 5 healthiest foods in the world.

I will, however, miss galby -- Korean barbeque. It's sooooo yummy.

But back to foods I won't miss: like bland noodle soup and dokbooki,
which are chewy rice cakes in, what else, spicy sauce!

And here's a food I will miss, but my poor tummy will not: Neck bone soup. It's neck bone meat with strange vegetables in a spicy broth that for some reason tastes
delicious, but never fails to make me spend most of the following morning in the loo.

What I will DEFINITELY miss is eating all of this with good friends. Here, Will,
Steph, Ali, and I are eating neck bone soup at the famous joint in Haengsin,
right around the corner from where all three of them live.

gahhh i love kimchi!!! and anything korean lol the food looks soo good
Completely agreed on all but the neck bone soup (just because I don't know if I've tried it or not...what's it called in Korean?). I have sorely missed group meals, but I guess that's more incentive for dinner parties, right?
Ah, dinner parties, how I've missed these! Something that don't work too well in the tiny little boxes Koreans call apartments.
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