Ali and I ran the Sports Seoul Half Marathon on Sunday! It was cold, it was early, and there was a shockingly fierce wind when we turned around for the second half of the race, but we survived! The han river was a nice place to run. I ran it in 2 hrs 7 minutes, similiar to my first half marathon, but not as good as my last one (which I did in 2 hrs.) I blame it on the wind! :) Ali did it in 1 hr 43 minutes, which is a KILLER time, especially since it's only his first one! That's under an 8 minute mile! I was proud. :)
We spent the rest of the day in recovery, and I'm afraid that my knees still haven't forgiven me. How people do a full marathon, I don't know. Every time I've done a half, just as I'm about to cross the finish line, I think..."Imagine if I had to do that all over again right now..." and I shutter at the thought of doing a full marathon. 13.1 miles is enough for me. :)

Nervous smiles before the race...

Ali showing off his form!

World Cup Stadium in the background, where the race started.

Kissing our medals!
Did anyone give you a backrub this time? Mom
Yes, backrubs are an essential before any Korean race from what I can tell! Fortunately, Ali was in front of me. :)
good job! :)
waking up this morning and reading the news I thought of people I know in SK. Hope things are well there and that this does not get crazy
Thanks...me too! We're just hoping it all blows over...
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