Anyone catch the Kanye West reference in my subject? Last night, my entire bike ride to and from Ali's place (yes, I got a bike!) I was shouting out his new song "Runaway" like the good ole days of shouting out Alanis Morissette on the lawn mower back on the farm. What is it about Kanye that always makes me want to where a bright orange suit, where a crown, and dance with a bunch of ballerinas? (SNL last week anyone?)
But, reference or not...I do have a plan! I had a nice long meeting with my boss this week about my future in Korea. And I'm coming home for Christmas, people! It'll have been about a year and nine months since being home. I've just paid for my tickets and there is nothing stopping me now! Step away Korean children, Carolyn Teacher is going home! I'll be landing in Omaha on Thursday, December 23rd and coming back to Seoul on January 8. A little over 2 weeks to eat as much oatmeal, cheese, licorice, and guacamole as possible. Ah, it will be grand.
And as for further life plans, my last day of work in Korea will be June 3rd. Then the plan is to do some traveling this summer and gear myself up for grad school at Columbia College next fall. It's so strange to have an end date to living in Korea. I'm always wondering what I'm going to do next, when I'm going to leave, and now that I know, I have this overwhelmingly sad feeling inside just thinking about it. Last night on my bike ride through the back streets of Ilsan, I was just taking everything in -- the same blue trucks everyone seems to have here, the GS marts on every corner, the Korean kids out playing WAY past a normal bedtime, the friendly building guard who always give me a huge smile and "ANYONG HASEYO" every time I come home -- I'll have lived here 3 years by the time I leave and I feel like this is just what I know now. This is my life. It's comfortable and it's
mine. Despite the fact that I've spent so much time wondering what's next, I'm just not ready to go yet. Hopefully I will be in 8 months.