The weekend after we got back from Bali, we said goodbye to Joy and Rob. It was great spending this past year with my old college roommate and friend...and her fantastic Australian man.

Then, the next weekend I said goodbye to Amanda as she began her travels to southeast Asia. So to wrap it up, I'm surprised I have any friends left.
However, there was one 'hello' in August, which was to Ali's parents!!! His mom and dad just left last Thursday after spending about 8 days here in Seoul with us. They did it all: the temples, the museums, the food, the dmz, the outdoor expeditions...any exploring that there was to be done in this city, they did! It was nice seeing people from the 'real world,' and remembering that there is life outside of Korea. Now if only I could see my own family. :) It's been 15 months and counting...
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