Nothing starts my day off like the moment I turn onto the little side street that my school lies on, and I hear, yelled from the sidewalk..."Good morning, Seoul!" Never fails. Every morning. The source is a jolly old Korean man, in a bright yellow vest, riding his bike on the small side street back and forth all day, giving out parking tickets. I'm pretty sure that the "Good morning, Seoul" comes from a radio show he hears in the morning, because he doesn't really seem to understand that the 'Seoul' part doesn't work with people. He makes me laugh every morning. I've now also started saying, "Have a good night!" at the end of the day on my way home, which he now says to me as well...usually in the morning.
Last weekend,

a bunch of us went bungee jumping and paintballing, all in one day. I had already done the bungee jump, so I geared myself up for my first ever paintballing experience. It was in the woods. It was intense, colorful, and competitive--what could be better? (Winning could be better--we lost 4 out of 5 games...) I still have the memory etched into my brain and the bruises etched into my skin. Fortunately, the shot that nailed me in the face, somehow managing to hit the only spot on my face slightly uncovered by the mask, didn't leave a welt.

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