Monday, August 17, 2009

marathon on the mind.

last night i ran 9.5 miles. (oh ya, i'm training for a half marathon!) i'm pretty sure it was the hottest most humid night of the summer so far. lately, every time i walk out of my building, i am dripping on every inch of my body within about 5 minutes, but last night i literally could have been mistaken for a slip-n-slide. i was all gun-ho about this summer being better than last year. then august came along and destroyed all hope. i got through the run though, and i wish i could say i was really really proud of myself, but ali pretty much stole my thunder since he, on a whim, did all 9.5 miles with me in 2 year old street shoes, very non-running shorts that he had been wearing all day out and a leather belt, having not done any running in 4 months. i've actually spent the last 2 months training which apparently some people see as a waste of time. anyway, the half is next month and despite the slight rain on my parade during last night's run, i still feel pretty proud and pretty pumped! (now if only i could drop the humidity about 95%...)

i feel really irritated at work lately with how left out i feel of everything. all the ins and outs of the school goes on in korean and i just feel like i have no idea what's going on and it's driving me crazy. i feel behind and lonely all the time. i want to be let in. i just feel like i have to accept the fact that i will never fully know what's going and will never have a position where people look to me to know what to do (oh how i crave being in charge...) as long as i'm in a country where i don't speak the language. it's so frustrating how the kids can't ever really come to me with their problems and i can't ever really discipline them in a productive way without pulling in a korean teacher to sort it all out. i just feel helpless and useless and it bothers me lately. :(


DebinNZ said...

keep your chin up dear! I know it's frustrating sometimes with school politics and being held outside the circle, but you keep doing your fantastic work with the kids and the rest will take care of itself! I know you can make it through the summer, it's nearly over anyway! love you sooooo much!

Carolyn said...

thanks debbie!!!

Amanda said...

are you learning korean?

Melanie said...

go marathon! awesome.

Cara said...

Half marathon...You're my hero. Ali is superman. That is ridiculous! You're amazing dude!

Carolyn said...

no amanda, i'm not learning to korean intentionally, but i do know a bit at this point just from picking it up.