Sunday, June 28, 2009

am i having a blog affair?

Who loves Nepalese food? ME ME ME!!!! Who loves the best Nepalese food in the whole wide world? ME ME ME!!! That’s why I headed to Everest Resturaunt in Dongdaemun on Friday night. I have to say that for the 9 months I was out of Korea, Everest was on my top list of Things I miss about Korea. Nothing has changed: the vegetable samosas are still to die for, the Malai Kafta is still heavenly bliss, and the garlic naan is still dangerously close to making me wonder if it’s possible to become a garlic naan-aholic and if Korea offers group rehabilitation classes for that somewhere. (”Hi, my name is Carolyn and I’m a garlic naan-aholic.” “Hi Carolyn…”)After stuffing ourselves with deliciousness, we ventured into the Dongdaemun shopping district. At 10:30pm, the Dongdaemun market was just coming to life, with endless streets of vendors, malls, more vendors, more malls…talk about overwhelming. We were hot, sweaty, and tired of the wierd smells, but we found some fake Calvin Klein underwear that could pass for the real thing (at least from a distance and how many people do you have looking at the details of your underwear anyway? hopefully not many…), so our work there was done.

i feel like i'm double dipping because i took part of this blog from an entry i just wrote on the adventure teaching blog, but it seems ridiculous to write 2 entirely different blogs when, in this instant, i sort of wanted to write the same things. trying to be witty and clever twice on the same topic is just too much work. but now i sorta feel like i'm cheating on my personal blog. like i'm two-timing. what if my 2 blogs find out about each other? scary thought...

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