i guess time FLIES when you're having...summer in korea. life is so crazy right now! and i just don't think it will settle down muchuntil...er.....christmas? hopefully by christmas my life has settled down. hopefully. anyway. so tomorrow is my last day of tango pango. whoop whoop! get me out of there! i will miss my kids dearly and in ode to the time i've spent with them, they get their pictures on my blog. what i will not, however, miss my crazy boss, getting paid 2 weeks late without warning, and working for

a school with no organization and no hope for a future. but other than that, i have wonderful memories! i've already started working for another school part time and i will transition right into full time this week when i'm finished at tango pango. it's a small school that does one-on-one tutoring (or in some cases on-on-two if parents want siblings to be taught together, etc.) from kids to adults. i really like it and am really grateful that i found a place to work my last month. it will be a really nice change. ooooo, and i get to play board games! there's two brothers who i basically just get to play board games with the whole time, and i LOVE IT. seriously, no matter how old i get, there's nothing like a good ole round of monopoly. last week we played uno for nearly an hour and the younger brother (highly competetive) kept cheating and

things i've been doing:

eating hot dogs at baseball games.

watching koreans play baseball and wishing it was the cubs.

arriving to the symphony 20 minutes late dripping sweat from sprinting from the train to the music hall, and not being let in till the second half. and being very upset.

rockin out the back streets of seoul.

nuri bong!!!!!! (korean karaoke...)

and more nuri bong!!!!!!
Yea!!! You posted again. I missed reading about your life. Good to have you back!
what does next year hold for you?
not sure yet amanda! but if i'm in the europe area i'll definitely head up north... :)
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