so. this past weekend we had friday off so me and 6 of my friends traveled to the east sea of korea, a province called kangwondo. we stayed in our friends' condo right in the most famous mountains of korea, saraksan. it was soooo beautiful. we did some serious barefooted rock climbing through
waterfalls in the mountains, we swam in the

in other news, summer has arrived in korea. last week there were signs of rainy season beginning early, as it rained every. single. day. causing seriously depression and sadness in the life of carolyn given the fact that i bike to and from school 3 times a day. i think i may need to invest in a big colorfully polka dotted rain coat and perhaps some of those cool rubber rain boots. but this week it's only supposed to rain a couple days, so perhaps we've still got a few w

the little devils i call my students are, well, still little devils which means i still love my job. :) (what fun is it if they're always good?) today i came to school and heard hysterical bawling all the way from the bottom of the stairs. (what a great sound to hear first thing on monday morning...) anyway, i opened the doors of the school to find little danielle sobbing i mean SOBBING like world had just run out of playgrounds. after 15 minutes of wondering what she was blubbering in korean to our korean teachers, worrying that perhaps something really dreadful had happened to someone in her family, or maybe she had had a big 5-year-old falling out with one of her best friends, i found out that the reason behind the record-breaking tears was that she didn't like the pants she was wearing today. right. i didn't really like the pants i was wearing today either. so i completely understood.
1 comment:
Carolyn, what's with the no posting lately? Are you distracted by something??? :)
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