here's north korea. that land mass beyond the water. i got really close, huh? i think i saw some little lego-sized north koreans doing things people do when they're under an oppressive dictator. i shouldn't make jokes actually, it's a pretty sad situation.

sunday, i went with my friend lucy who to an island a couple of hours away with a hiking club and we climbed not one, not two, but three mountains on the island. a 12 hour days, with 6 solid hours of hiking. needless to say, i woke up this morning and could barely bend down to sit on the toilet without crying for help from my non-existant roommate. but it was oh-so-worth it.

the flowers you see are the korean native azalia flower. they were covering the mountains, and will only be around about a week. so we went at a good time!

i spent the day with my friend lucy (in yellow), and about 3 korean men, only one of which spoke a little english. it was not a day of deep conversation, but we still managed a lot of laughs! as you can see, i really fit with my running shorts, tanktop, and sneakers. (p.s. i'll never hike a korean mountain without climbing shoes again. i nearly broke my neck on the way down, slipping and sliding all over the lose dirt...)
anyway, those are just a few of the photos. click here to check out the entire album., with more descriptions!
beautiful photos! thanks for sharing them :)
wow, that looks really fun and beautiful. currently it's hovering above freezing here in siouxland.
thanks laurel! and ahhhh yes, i do not envy you matt that you are stuck in a typical crazy iowa spring. but if it makes you feel better, i wore a scarf two days this week. so i guess korea's not much better...
Thanks for the much-needed reminder that there is life beyond winter!
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