this weekend, we said goodbye to scott and kim (scott is one of the guys who got me my job here and kim is his wife) in good fashioned out-till-4-in-the-morning danced-the-night-away style. i actually started the night in hongdae at bricxx to say happy birthday to the girl in the middle of the picture on your left, shauna. i met shauna and selena (the other girl in the picture) at the hostel i stayed at in beijing. RANDOM! shauna recognized me from a friends' facebook pictures (hannah--the girl who used to teach at my school--and shauna share the same cousin or something and anyway, she recognized me from hannah's facebook pictures.) it was so hillarious that we all taught in korea and they even went to trinity western in bc. so i stopped by bricxx for awhile, and then i headed to a club called monkey beach in apudjeong to wish scott and kim farewell. it was way across the city, and i didn't get there until about midnight, but it proved to be a fantastic night out! (as long as there's dancing involved, i'm a happy girl.) the tunes got better as the night went on and it made it impossible to leave! just when i would think..."ok, as soon as this song is over...." they would whip out "creep" by radiohead or "gold digger" by kanye west or song i haven't listened to since the 8th grade or something. (unfortunately, they neglected to play anything by chicago.) it was fantastic! scott and kim will be missed!
the picture on the left is sarah jane and i dancing it up! below is sarah jane, lydia, and matt.
above is mary and i sharing the infamous monkey beach bucket drink. (mary is the other teacher at my school.)
hello there. looks like you're enjoying korea...will you be back this summer at all?
i love your hair! it looks edible, like cartoon candy. i love it!
andrew--the earliest i'll be back is sometime in september i think, but i don't know for sure. are you going back for the summer?
kate--thanks! i've always wanted cotton candy hair. :)
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