guess who came to korea on february 16??? BJORK!!! and guess who didn't have the slightest clue??? ME!!!! grrrr. i can't believe i missed it! i found out about in less than one week too late. most bigs bands skip over korea and head straight to tokyo, so this was a big event! and i missed it. i could have seen bjork in korea. the next shows coming up are backstreet boys (seriously, boy bands are still around? who knew) and celine dion. let's be honest, i've wanted to see celine dion since i was 8 (i don't care what kind of music you prefer, that woman could knock you to the wall with her vocal chords), but tricia and i have always promised to go together. anyway, i'm bummed! i need to get more on top of the seoul music scene.
i also had some house guests this weekend. about a couple thousand of them. and i believe they've been living with me for awhile without my knowledge. i woke up sunday and saw another little black bug about the size of my fingernail crawling on my kitchen floor. i've been noticing them pop up around my apartment lately, and when i opened my bottom cupboard door to pull out my oatmeal, i saw a few more. as i looked more closely, i realized that not only were there a few more, but a few thousand more little disgusting black bugs, crawling all over my food, all through my open bag of rice, and into my half empty box of crackers. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i freaked out. tore everything out of my cuboard, threw it in the trash, vacumed, sanitzied, vacumed again, sanitized again. i think they are coming in under my fridge, b/c i found another thousand dead ones under there (the poor souls who didn't survive the long treck to the cuboard.) apprently they are the korean version of the cockroach. the disgust and horror i felt was not quite up to the level of the "there's a family of rats living in our kitchen and grant just killed one with a brick" incident (please, don't ask...), but i was very disturbed to say the least. i've got the bug killer people scheduled for next tuesday. i will have the last laugh, my korean cockroach friends!!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
so long, farewell.

whip out "creep" by radiohead or "gold digger" by kanye west or

the picture on the left is sarah jane and i dancing it up! below is sarah jane, lydia, and matt.

above is mary and i sharing the infamous monkey beach bucket drink. (mary is the other teacher at my school.)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
ha! this is so funny! click here for a laugh. (i'd also like to say, however, that did it make anyone else a little sad and angered to see them sitting on a concrete floor with bars behind them? i hate it when animals get caged up. it just looks so unnatural.)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
after all that we've been through...
last night at spinning class, as i was rockin out to the pounding korean hip-hop beats they had blaring for us to peddle to, the music suddenly changed to a pumped up version of "i'm sorry" by chicago. paleaaase oh please tell me you know this song! "everybody needs a little time away. blah blah blah blah. (i forget that line.) from each oooooooootherrrrrrrr. even lovers need a holiday. far away from the one that i love. oooooo and i. it's hard for me to say i'm sorry. i just want you to stay. oooooo and i! i really wanna tell you i'm sorry. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah......(i forget that line, too. but here comes the chorus which is the best part.) after all that we've been through. i will make it up to you! i promise you...." and then there's another line to the chorus, but i forget that too. so obviously i haven't listened to this song recently but it was my FAVORITE song somewhere around age 12. i remember stealing my sisters chicago tape and listening to that song in my walkman over and over and over again. and last night when it came on in the middle of all the korean rubish i can never understand, i almost cried! it was a glorious moment! and the best part was that they play the music so loud and the room is so dark that i could just belt out every word (every word that i remember atleast) without anyone even turning their head to notice. it was the perfect thing to get me through the middle of the workout. i would also just like to throw out a word of praise and admiration to the spinning instructor. she's this totally punked out chick with biking gloves and the bandana and the entire class, she's up on her little stage banging her head to the music, yelling out really intense korean words, smiling, closing her eyes and singing her heart out to every beat, and doing this little thing where her eyes kind of look up toward the cieling and her teeth bite her bottom lip in a gesture that says "God, i love my job. i'm dripping in a bucket of sweat and i can barely breathe and my legs are killing me and i'm still rockin out! life is grand!" she could very well be thinking "God, if i have to get through another one of these stupid classes listening to the stupid music that is rupturing my ear drum, i swear on my grave, i will cut off my left leg just so i can never bike again." but i am leaning towards the prior. i've never seen anyone look like they're having so much fun doing such a painful activity. it's inspiring!
in other news, i cannot stop eating gaucomole. i seriously eat almost a tub every day. i wake up and i crave it, i am eating fajitas non-stop just as a means to dump spoonful after spoonful of delicious bright green costco gaucomole on top. i don't know what to do! it's the only thing i want! are their any health risks to eating too much gaucomole? i know it's healthy thing, but is there such a thing as an overdose on avacados? what would the symptoms be? what if my skin starts turning bright green? i could change my name to elphaba. :)
in other news, i cannot stop eating gaucomole. i seriously eat almost a tub every day. i wake up and i crave it, i am eating fajitas non-stop just as a means to dump spoonful after spoonful of delicious bright green costco gaucomole on top. i don't know what to do! it's the only thing i want! are their any health risks to eating too much gaucomole? i know it's healthy thing, but is there such a thing as an overdose on avacados? what would the symptoms be? what if my skin starts turning bright green? i could change my name to elphaba. :)
Monday, February 18, 2008
over the hill.
the end of this week marks my 6 month anniversary as a resident of korea. i feel like this is sort of a big deal. since christmas, i've been thinking in my mind that i've been here "6 months or so," and i've found myself thinking in the past 6 weeks..."have i seriously not hit the 6 month mark yet? seriously? i'm still on my way up the hill???" but as of this week friday, my journey (at least my journey at this school) is all down hill. i'm not sure why, but it's a really nice feeling to know that i am over the half way mark. these past few weeks i've been feeling overwhelmed by the fact that i still have over half of my contract left at this school. but now it's just half. and every day that passes by means less and less of half. does that even make sense?
despite my frustration with my school lately, i happened to have quite a good monday, which i find is rare. mondays are always the worst day--none of the week behind you yet. but today i was in quite good spirits and had incredible patience when my kids spent a solid 5 minutes blowing their noses and then deciding they hadn't cleaned it all out, so blowing their noses again, and using about 3 times the amount of tissues necessary, and when my entire 3:30 class thought it would be hillarious to use the sleeping song as "let's all roll around like we're balls and see who gets the biggest bruise" time. i give myself a big pat on the back.
despite my frustration with my school lately, i happened to have quite a good monday, which i find is rare. mondays are always the worst day--none of the week behind you yet. but today i was in quite good spirits and had incredible patience when my kids spent a solid 5 minutes blowing their noses and then deciding they hadn't cleaned it all out, so blowing their noses again, and using about 3 times the amount of tissues necessary, and when my entire 3:30 class thought it would be hillarious to use the sleeping song as "let's all roll around like we're balls and see who gets the biggest bruise" time. i give myself a big pat on the back.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
pink lipstick and sunflowers. ya.
happy valentine's day!!!!!! is it valentines or valentine's? does the day belong to valentine? was that a person? i can never remember. wasn't he a saint or something? saint valentine? imagine having a day named after yourself. maybe in 100 years they'll be saying "happy carolyn's day!!!" and having the same dillema wondering if carolyn was a person or not.
valentine's (i've decided to keep the apostrophe on the incling that valentine was, infact, a person) day can be so controversial among the singles crowd. you know the whole "i don't have anyone to buy me flowers" sob story. or the "i just broke up with my boyfriend, i don't want to be reminded of love" tears. blah blah blah. i LOVE valentine's day. always have. and i don't think i've had a boyfriend on this day since i i ever had a boyfriend on this day? oh yes, i think when i was 17. i got candles and the movie "when a man loves a woman." (i thank God everyday that i'm not 17 anymore...) but each year it comes around, and each year i love it just the same as last year. you get to wear pink, make cards with enough hearts to make you want to gag, wear bright pink lipsticks (all of which i did today), and best of all, it's the greatest excuse to tell those closest to you just how much you love them. i have never found anything about this day exclusive to only those in relationships.
i also wanted to teach a song about love to my kids today. my mind drew a complete blank and the only one i could think of was the song they sing at the end of barney. you know..."i love you, you love me, we're a happy family..." it was either that or whitney houston's "and IIIIIIIIIII-EEEE-IIIIIII will always love YOOOOUUUUUU" and i was afraid my kids may not have the lung capacity.
so today i was in costco on my lunch break, talking to katie in grand rapids, and as i was checking out, i was telling her that i just went past the flowers section and maybe i should get someone some flowers today. she said "we could buy ourselves flowers and have them be from each other..." and before i knew it, i was explaining the different flowers they had and we were deciding which ones she would like to "buy" for me. we settled on sunflowers. i was so happy! i just got flowers from my friend on valentine's day from across the world! tomorrow, she will be getting daiseys with some colorful flowers thrown in. (or that is what i suggested.) see, this is why i love this day! you would never do that on any other day!
the downside of talking to someone on the phone while you are grocery shopping, is that you don't realize how much you are buying and whether or not it is carry-able. i had to leave my bike and walk home (i tried to steal a cart, but i couldn't get it through the pillars outside--they are very clever those costco people...putting the little pillars just close enough together so as not to let any carts through), all the while talking to katie, trying not to completely squash my new sunflowers she had just given me. a walk that normally takes me about 3 minutes took me nearly 30. i had to walk ten feet, and then take a break and sit down and catch my breath, and then walk a little further, and then sit, and so on. my hands have rope burns from the handles of my bag. lesson learned: buying in bulk and talking on the phone do not compliment each other.
happy valentine's day to all!!!!
valentine's (i've decided to keep the apostrophe on the incling that valentine was, infact, a person) day can be so controversial among the singles crowd. you know the whole "i don't have anyone to buy me flowers" sob story. or the "i just broke up with my boyfriend, i don't want to be reminded of love" tears. blah blah blah. i LOVE valentine's day. always have. and i don't think i've had a boyfriend on this day since i i ever had a boyfriend on this day? oh yes, i think when i was 17. i got candles and the movie "when a man loves a woman." (i thank God everyday that i'm not 17 anymore...) but each year it comes around, and each year i love it just the same as last year. you get to wear pink, make cards with enough hearts to make you want to gag, wear bright pink lipsticks (all of which i did today), and best of all, it's the greatest excuse to tell those closest to you just how much you love them. i have never found anything about this day exclusive to only those in relationships.
i also wanted to teach a song about love to my kids today. my mind drew a complete blank and the only one i could think of was the song they sing at the end of barney. you know..."i love you, you love me, we're a happy family..." it was either that or whitney houston's "and IIIIIIIIIII-EEEE-IIIIIII will always love YOOOOUUUUUU" and i was afraid my kids may not have the lung capacity.
so today i was in costco on my lunch break, talking to katie in grand rapids, and as i was checking out, i was telling her that i just went past the flowers section and maybe i should get someone some flowers today. she said "we could buy ourselves flowers and have them be from each other..." and before i knew it, i was explaining the different flowers they had and we were deciding which ones she would like to "buy" for me. we settled on sunflowers. i was so happy! i just got flowers from my friend on valentine's day from across the world! tomorrow, she will be getting daiseys with some colorful flowers thrown in. (or that is what i suggested.) see, this is why i love this day! you would never do that on any other day!
the downside of talking to someone on the phone while you are grocery shopping, is that you don't realize how much you are buying and whether or not it is carry-able. i had to leave my bike and walk home (i tried to steal a cart, but i couldn't get it through the pillars outside--they are very clever those costco people...putting the little pillars just close enough together so as not to let any carts through), all the while talking to katie, trying not to completely squash my new sunflowers she had just given me. a walk that normally takes me about 3 minutes took me nearly 30. i had to walk ten feet, and then take a break and sit down and catch my breath, and then walk a little further, and then sit, and so on. my hands have rope burns from the handles of my bag. lesson learned: buying in bulk and talking on the phone do not compliment each other.
happy valentine's day to all!!!!
Monday, February 11, 2008

so i will give you my photo albums that you can check out, and that will give you a good idea of what i did while i was there. as usual, i took way too many pictures, so you can skim if you want. just click on the albums.
album 1
album 2
album 3
album 4
Sunday, February 3, 2008
from rat trash to headlight.
i leave for china on wednesday morning. i'm really excited! i'm doing a few tours--great wall, forbidden city, summer palace, temple of heaven. i also got tickets for the chinese opera one night. and i'm taking an extraordinarily large suitcase b/c i plan to do a lot of shopping! i'm ready to get my bargaining game face on. bring it on little old chinese women!
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