on the left--reuben zydhoff as shrek.

here's some pics from our the holloween party last weekend hosted by raquel and hannah (two of my fellow teachers) in their apartment just across the street from me. in this picture is all of the teachers at tango pango. i am on the far left in my facebook costume. hannah is in front as twister. above her is raquel who went as the DMZ (demilitarized zone--between north and south korea. is only hillarious if you live here...) next is mary who went as a dominatrix. and then on the far right is lucy--our korean teacher-- who went as a butterfly. whoop whoop for the tango pango gang!

myself and elly--one of our favorite people from work. she does the graphic design stuff, but she helps us with EVERYTHING--making phone calls, setting up appointments, coming with us to massages to translate (which she did for me last night...best massage i've ever had by the way!!!) and so so so much more. she went as an angel. and she is one.

me and some of my korean friends.

shane (superman) and sarah jane (a bunch of grapes.)
facebook costume! that's brilliant!
i was raggedy ann - a redux from a couple of years ago. i just knew the office wouldn't let me live it down if i didn't dress up ... but i was so busy! and so tired!
i got smiled at by people on the sidewalks all day. :-)
so original ms. carolyn sue--you're amazing:)
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