i'm not sure i've ever been so happy to see friday afternoon. i've got exactly 4 hours left of trying to teach new christmas songs like a dentist tries to pull stubborn teeth out of a screaming 4-year-old's mouth. it's been one of the longest weeks since i've been here i think. i woke up monday morning, looked in the mirror, and knew i was in for an excrutiating 5 days. monday afternoon, i thought...is it possible that it's actually friday and the world is just playing a mean trick on me?
but alas, friday has come. there's no better feeling then 6:31 on friday night, unlocking my bike, throwing my legs over the seat and pedaling as fast as i can, not looking back as the multi-colored tango pango sign gets smaller and smaller behind me. whooping and hollering all the way home in an effort to squeeze all the cheezy kids songs i've been singing 137 times a day for the past week, tearing up the stairs to my second floor apartment, throwing open the door, tossing on sweatpants and fleece as fast as i possibly can, ripping the bobby pins out of my hair, off with the rings and earing and necklaces, and then the beautiful feeling of settling into the couch for a weekend of no makeup, no singing, no yelling at snotty kids to stop using their drumsticks as a weapon, no controlling directors and looking ahead to a weekend of good movies, long walks through the park, mary's grey's anatomy dvds she got in china, and lots of the delicious pumpkin soup i made over lunch hour. mmmmmm, the thought delicious pumpkin soup sitting in my belly just might be enough to get me through the next 4--no wait--now 3 3/4 hours of this wretched week.
i'm not so sure what made the week so bad. it felt like getting through each day was like swimming through mud. i was so tired and unenthusiastic and to top things off, our director told me today, after 3 months of not saying anything, that i had to take out my eyebrow ring. i almost cried. it was like he was asking me to stop wearing colors. or asking me to start being boring. or asking me to change my name from carolyn to blah-olyn. but i will fight this! you can't take away my interestingness so easily!